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刚才突然间看见 uncle Jaz 的 Facebook status: in a relationship with Ashley,还在想是不是场闹剧呢?看了Ashley的blog才知道是发生不久的事情。
恭喜恭喜啦! 希望你们有情人终成眷属喔!




曾经Uncle Jaz 和19号的家人都很照顾我。

其实之所以会认识他们是因为 Cassia 和 Esther,我的coursemates。

当初他们对我很好,我刚来的时候他们知道我一个人住,又从那么远的地方来,所以去吃晚餐的时候都会叫我一起去,和他们一大班人去过RM3.60那里吃东西,帮我的ex-housemate,欣祥庆祝生日,还有去溜冰,Jaya One喝酒 (我只是喝了一小口啦!=p)

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Untitled.jpg previously, we have assigned by our lecturer to do a website as our assignment...

the assignment is about creating a website which is explaining a disease...

our group has chosen Breast Cancer as our research disease,

we do put effort in doing this assignment and tomorrow will be our presentation for this assignment...

we are going to present as like we want to sell our website to a client


all the best to my group members,

gambate yar!!!



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Daisypath Anniversary Years PicDaisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

now i have no reason to forget about it =p

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finally we have done our presentation which organised by whole TB gang !!!

it cannot be denied that it was very successful and all of us do enjoy the performance today









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在一个偶然的机会,我被我学校的DSA 选中去Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel当义工。

其实当时只是觉得反正拜六礼拜我都是一个人呆在家里,不如干脆去参加些活动。加上又可以玩,见识见识外头,所以,不多加犹豫,就答应参加了。当然,也叫了我的朋友。最后,Esthe,Li Weng and Vee Hong和我,便在今天,在那里当了一天的helper。


但是,昨天我们就被安排到这里做一些包装的工作了。虽然,我们被DSA的人耍了一下 (叫我们在PB Block等专BUS带我们到会场,但是我们足足等了一个小时多,才看见巴士。)=.-


这次的活动,除了我们,还有来之UTAR其他分校的senior也和我们一起去。包括了Sungai Long Campus,Setapak Campus还有几位KL Tarc 的学生一同出席这个紫丝巾运动推介礼-安定,安全,安乐家庭 


对于整个当义工的感想,不用多说我是很满意的咯 ^^

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Happy Birthday to Landy !!!


筱惠,生日快乐 !!!






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(虽然我的5-minutes speech还在准备途中,但是就当作休息吧=p





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today's morning i attended my primary school friends' gathering..

if no mistake on the 1st day of CNY i do received a SMS from Jun Thiam,who is the organzier of this gathering

"Dear all pemegang saham of white gang sdn bhd.(i was in the White Class while in primary school) Our reunion gathering is on tis coming friday,30 of Jan!!

Venue:Yvonne Lee's house

Time:10am,pls don't b late!!

For more information,pls contact me!We provide transport also for those no transport 2 go..Thx!!!"

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another CNY music video that i love ^^
(why i keep repeating the CNY video but i won't get "sien" about it??)

哎呀呀~ 今天已经是年初三了!不知不觉喔!这几天过得好快乐呢!你们呢?开心吗?希望你们也有个丰富的牛年喔!!!

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according to Chinese culture,we would chase away the Nian by setting off the fireworks on the first day of Chinese New Year


-- -- -- --我是转乾坤分隔线-- -- -- --


Kuchingnites' culture,every year upon the clock strikes 12,everyone who own the fireworks,would keep shooting it until around 1am

no matter they are indubitably burning their money on the air!

and every year,i do enjoy it very much!!!this is one of the important and meaningful part for CNY


and this year,as i have the chance to own a camera,i plan to snap it down!

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this is my 1st time celebrating friend's birthday in PJ

instead of calling AXiang as my friend,more specific is he is actually my housemate



that Thursday, i have been asking out to celebrate AXiang's Birthday at WENDY'S

on that day,around 7pm few of them came to my house "pick" AXiang and me up.

Then we just walked to the place as JAYA ONE is just opposite SS17 which is our living area.



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话说优大今天officially开学了,而我们新生经过了4天的orientation week,也来到学校上课啦!

话说嘞,我们的block 是在 PE,而我的housemates呢,除了一个例外,其他清一色是psychology的学生,所以呢,就不同block咯,当然咯,命运也随着截然不同了。


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oYAYAYA!!!  the day is passing extremely fast,don't you agree?

well,the orientation is finally coming after i have been waiting about couple of months  ...


this is our Uni. schedule for the orientation week,

Orientation 2009 Intake

and i am in the Foundation in Arts ...


through the schedule you probably will get the idea that our orientation actually are held about 4 days

and in fact i just attend for "some" of the events,and other i just skipped


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2008年,对我来说,有很多的回忆,也算是我改变最多的一年吧? 同意吗?


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Hurray! yesterday i have done my hair color complementary !!!

planned to do it before CNY as everyone knows that everything will getting price raising and of course it includes chemical products in hair saloon.

In consequence, i started finding promotion about hair do  on the last few day ...

AHA~   that's the one! i saw a big signboard hanging outside the RIGI II ,there showing that the saloon now is having promotion on all chemical products,"30% off for all chemical products"

WOW~   looks attracting to me

so finding the RIGI 's phone number and making a call to them...

("Hello, .... blablabla ...")

 was a guy pick up the phone and the reason he made me eventually made an appointment with him was because

he did explain in every detail and particular to me ^^   this made him sounds pro and sincerity,so   ON lo!!!

Apart from that,my mom and my brother were going together with me ...ermmm    hope they could give some discount for us lo since we come together =p

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今天一早我就起身准备了,在这之前就约了SpeckieKL SENTRAL会合,吃了BINTANG WARISAN的早餐后,我们就赶往目标迈进了。


之后Speckie就帮我们买了到ASIA JAYA的车票。今天比我预期的少人,但是到了站,等待的巴士真的给他死鬼慢下 ==

差不多半粒钟的时间巴士才来,之后来到了section 17

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these few days i really damn busy but damn bored sometimes,too

(what a complicated feelings i was having)


recently i busy finding the room to let on internet but many of them when i made the phone called,the result i got is-failed!

most of the rooms have been rent out  but unless there is still few under my consideration

well, keep FIGHTING these few days

ps:thanks a lot to Speckie,he really lent a big hand to me !!!




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