Oo tell the true..i never celebrate the christmas before..and i dont ever eat the turkey..but this time we dont so..hahaR
but it's Ok unless we have eaten the christmas cake here it is!

erm...the pic isnt so clear..haiz bopian lar.. my camera is lauzy..but there is a Santa Claus..hahaR it is with me now..^^
but i really have fun tonight..we eat cake we drink tea we make a wish together and use the new style to put off the candle(really cool~)of course we eat rice too just normal dinner ..really have fun with them..enjoy so much though we din have big party not so much people around coz some of them go travellin' and some of them busy at school work but is Ok..i think we all have fun tonight..unless im not sitting alone and watch TV at home..
yap!!today i go for my law test
HURRAy!!big news big news...(not really in fact)pass my law
though they all said is stupid easy..but i really happy till crazy when i get know that i have passed the law..hahaRR
but now still the first one get out of the room and today all of the cadinate are adult ..only me is the ..erm... kid ..haHAR..but im crazy HAppy..
96..thats my result ...48 out of 50..good hoR..hoho
but i have study.. and i think i have work hard
so..thanks god thanks for giving me so much ..
back to the night
one thing im quite care a little bit ashamed tonight coz..aiyo duno keep make stupid thing
but ok not really care about it..
yar...oledi 12..
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@

(this is the only way that can make my face visible)
yea ...karen..pretty woRR..muackzZ..
yaR..have a nice day..
hope that next year we can been together again...
whatever thing owes my you gals so much...biG MuaCKZZz
but it's Ok unless we have eaten the christmas cake here it is!

erm...the pic isnt so clear..haiz bopian lar.. my camera is lauzy..but there is a Santa Claus..hahaR it is with me now..^^
but i really have fun tonight..we eat cake we drink tea we make a wish together and use the new style to put off the candle(really cool~)of course we eat rice too just normal dinner ..really have fun with them..enjoy so much though we din have big party not so much people around coz some of them go travellin' and some of them busy at school work but is Ok..i think we all have fun tonight..unless im not sitting alone and watch TV at home..
yap!!today i go for my law test
HURRAy!!big news big news...(not really in fact)pass my law
though they all said is stupid easy..but i really happy till crazy when i get know that i have passed the law..hahaRR
but now still the first one get out of the room and today all of the cadinate are adult ..only me is the ..erm... kid ..haHAR..but im crazy HAppy..
96..thats my result ...48 out of 50..good hoR..hoho
but i have study.. and i think i have work hard
so..thanks god thanks for giving me so much ..
back to the night
one thing im quite care a little bit ashamed tonight coz..aiyo duno keep make stupid thing
but ok not really care about it..
yar...oledi 12..
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@

(this is the only way that can make my face visible)
yea ...karen..pretty woRR..muackzZ..
yaR..have a nice day..
hope that next year we can been together again...
whatever thing owes my you gals so much...biG MuaCKZZz